Welcome to the Bline Family Farm

Raising Furry Family Members with Love and TAILS!
- Located in California & Kentucky -

Meet The Team
The Girls

MAYBELLE is our resident 'Diva'. She runs the roost and is spoiled like you wouldn't believe! She is our signature foundation Aussie, with an independent streak, but always silly! She is a recessive carrier of a single MDR1 gene and she is not bred with any other dogs that are carriers.
Color: Blue Merle, Blue Eyes
Height: 16" Weight: 34lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: MDR1

GINGER is from Mini Wiggly Aussies in Fresno. She is the 'wiggliest' little aussie we have, literally bending in half when she is happy. She is a total LOVE! She is a small standard AKC aussie. She LOVES all people, but doesn't trust new animal visitors right away. She is n/n for over 250 DNA tested conditions.
Color: Red Merle, Blue Eyes
Height: 15" Weight: 28lbs.
Registration: AKC & ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None

WILLOW is one of our residents since birth, mild-mannered, sweet as can be. She's from Maybelle & Durango! She does not demand attention, always listens and is more than willing to wait her turn. When it's snuggle time, she's all in! She has a full, gorgeous, copper accented tail.
Color: Black Tri, Blue Eyes (BET-Blue Eyed Tri)
Height: 16" Weight: 31lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: MDR1

FRECKLES is our little goof ball or 'class clown'. Her antics can entertain us for hours. She gets along with everyone and any dog, although definitely shy with new people she doesn't know. She is a super soft and silky, Black/White Bi (no copper.) We just LOVE her super soft and silky coat, along with her easy, sweet demeaner.
Color: Black Bi, Blue Eyes
Height: 16" Weight: 31lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None

PIPER is a little red version of her mother Maybelle. Another resident since birth, she is a sweetie that gets along with everyone and rarely gets in trouble. She loves snuggles, sitting by the fire and running around on the farm with her best buddy Po.
Color: Red Merle, Blue Eyes
Height: 16" Weight: 33lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None

SOFIE is a daughter of Reba and Wyatt. She is a phantom Blue Merle Dilute (resulting in the silver sheen to her fur.) She LOVES the snow, is best friends with Po & Piper, extremely well mannered and loves to snuggle. She also likes to stay close and be our sidekick. She is still a puppy but we look forward to watching her mature into a beautiful young lady.
Color: Gray Dilute Blue Merle, Blue Eyes
Height: 17" Weight: 35lbs
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: MDR1, DM

SHILOH is quickly becoming our farm mascot as she is side-by-side with Lando, our Guardian Dog, to greet all visitors driving down our driveway. Shiloh is a smaller standard Aussie born & bred right here in Kentucky. We got her from a breeder that didn't want to breed any more, they got her from someone else a few months before we got her, so we don't know much about her first 2 years of life. However, we will make sure the rest of her life is exactly as she would want it herding loose goats and living the farm life!
Color: Blue Merle, Marbled Blue Eyes
Height: 19" Weight: 40lbs
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None

REBA is the master of her own world. She is a free spirit that loves to climb any boundary and explores the world around her with abandon. She is incredibly self-reliant, but she always comes back for her love and her food! She is one of the sweetest dogs we own, loving all people and animals; however, she can become quite the mama bear when 'protecting' her babies.
Color: Red Tri, Blue/Marbled Eyes (BET-Blue Eyed Tri)
Height: 17" Weight: 35lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: DM

PATSY, the Standard Poodle Puppy, is just a lovebug that loves anyone and everyone. She was offered to us in trade for Aussie stud serves from Lindsey Worley of Dandy Doodles. We never thought we'd be a Poodle family, but she's fitting right in! She brushes out rather nicely and we love that she doesn't SHED at all!! She has super curly hair that when brushed out is soft, silky and kinky, like a permed teddy bear. She carries the perfect double genes for the least shedding, most hypoallergenic, Aussiedoodles: 2 Copies of Furnishings, 2 Copies of Curly Coat
Color: Cream Parti, Brown Eyes
Height: 20" Weight: 38lbs.
Registration: Designer Canine Registry
Neg. Carrier: None

Daisy is an adorable Aussiedoodle. We rescued Daisy from a bad situation and she came to us traumatized. However, several months of freedom on the farm and unconditional love in a safe, secure environment and she is absolutely one of the best dogs we have. We are beyond blessed to have Daisy in our lives!
Color: Blue Merle, Blue Eyes
Height: 15" Weight: 25lbs.
Registration: Designer Canine Registry
Neg. Carrier: None



Mollie came to us as a 2 yr old momma. We adopted her along with 2 of her 8 week old puppies, Daphne & Duke. We were told she was picked on by her more aggressive sister and the breeder was worried about her safety. She is a Standard Size Aussie. She weighed about 35lbs when we got her in the Spring of '23 and by June '23 she weighed 50lbs. It turns out that she LOVES to eat and we thought maybe she was starved when we got her so we FED her. Now she is a plump, happy momma that loves to give LOVE.
Color: Black Tri, Brown Eyes
Height: 19" Weight: 48lbs.
Registration: AKC
Neg. Carrier: None

Daphne is the daughter of our sweet Mollie, we adopted them together and the two of them are just the sweetest, loving, kind, soulful and wise Aussies we have here on the farm. Daphne is extremely affectionate & cuddly. Shes easygoing, gets along with all our animals & loves to follow us everywhere. She always has a smile and an eager expression on her face with a happy bouncy energy. She is submissive to the older more experienced mama dogs on the farm, that means she has wisdom and is a follower. She is also cautious with visitors she doesn’t know, waiting to make sure we are all good, then she warms up to them.
Color: Black Tri, Brown Eyes
Height: 19" Weight: 48lbs.
Registration: AKC
Neg. Carrier: None

Jill's Dad

Jill came to us from Ohio at 9 mol old. We rescued Jill from a breeder that was desperate to find her a home. She lived with the younger puppies for 9 mo, so she didn't learn to grow up until she could run here on the farm with our other dogs. When we got her, her hair was overgrown and tangled. We couldn't even see her sweet face. Our favorite hair style on her is the one above as the fluffy puppy cut fits her sweet, docile personality perfectly.
Color: Black Tri Parti w/Freckles, Brown Eyes
Height: 12" Weight: 12lbs.
Registration: Designer Canine Registry
Neg. Carrier: None

We found Makenna with an Amish couple up in Northern Ohio. We adopted her and her brother from their life in a small kennel run. She was 2 years old when we got them and Makenna just blossomed after a few weeks of love and future. It was a little bit of culture shock for the two of them but this little sweet heart has the sweetest spirit and never barks, unless another dog is getting to close to her puppies!
Color: Blue Merle Parti, Blue Eyes
Height: 10" Weight: 8lbs.
Registration: Continental Kennel Club
Neg. Carrier: None

We found Roxy shortly after brining home our sweet Oliver boy! Oliver needed a sweet female friend, right? She was born in Tennessee and thinks she is the royal princess even more than our matriarch, Maybelle. Her favorite activity is systematically undergoing complex maneuvers to remove the squeaky in every toy without destroying the toy. She then proceeds to chew up that squeaker into a million little pieces. If I'm feeling down, she'll come up and jump up next to me, then burrow her little head against my chest. Pillows on the couch? Just look underneath them to find Roxy playing underneath. If she is not playing under them, she is laying on top of one.
Color: Red/Copper Dapple, Brown Eyes
Height: 12" Weight: 12lbs.
Registration: Designer Canine Registry
Neg. Carrier: None
The Boys


Bline's Awesome Maverick

Maverick is a little love bug in a compact ball of fluff. He can never keep up with his bigger counter parts here on the farm, but that's okay, because he'd rather climb into my arms and get love! Maverick came from Pleasant Valley Kennel in Oregon and is registered as a Miniature American Shepherd with the AKC. He is registered with ASDR as a Mini Australian Shepherd.
Maverick loves to just run like the wind and then roll around all over the grass, in multiple spots, one roll is never enough. He has sired over 12 litters and is a popular STUD for outside babes as well. He is definitely a ladies man as he's super sweet and patient with the girls and they all love him like crazy.
Color: Red Merle, 1 Hazel/1 Blue Eye
Height: 16" Weight: 34lbs
Registration: ASDR, AKC (Mini American Shepherd)
Neg. Carrier: None

Scooter is a Maybelle Grandbaby. My daughter Emily and I went all the way to the Islands of Bocas Del Toro, Panama to bring him home from the tropical jungle. His owner, Gary, retired from CA life and purchased a chocolate farm and nature preserve: Green Acres Chocolate Farm. Scooter is a happy go lucky, high energy boy and he literally bounces on his feet like Tigger. He loves all people and all animals. He is a fun-loving sweetheart. In addition, he absolutely loves to splash and play in the water and the snow. His water bowl is empty every afternoon (drinking & splashing at the same time is apparently 'the' only way to drink water) and he loves to swim in our pond!
Color: Blue Merle, w/Stunning Copper, 2 Blue Eyes
Height: 18" Weight: 40lbs
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None

Jack has a gorgeous Red Merle coat and a fun bouncy personality. He’s confident, adventurous, always happy, loves to give kisses, and is enthusiastic in his zest for farm frolicking. If something you’re working with (tools, gloves, hat, bag, etc.) disappears and is missing when you turn around to grab it, then go hunt down Jack and see where he moved it too!
Color: Red Merle, Blue/Hazel Marbled Eyes
Height: 12" Weight: 15lbs.
Registration: Designer Canine Registry
Neg. Carrier: None

Charlie is a cute little guy that we adopted when he was 9mo old. He is a small bundle of energy with a HUGE personality. He also works farm security as the assistant to Lando. As his job title suggests, he is not afraid to use his 'ferocious' bark to scare off anything suspicious. He wasn't socialized well before we got him, so he is not very people oriented, but he has started to enjoy scratches & cuddles, now that he knows what they are!
Color: Black Parti w/ticking, Brown Eyes
Height: 15" Weight: 25lbs
Registration: AKC Mini Poodle
Neg. Carrier: IVDD (not an issue when bred with an Aussie for Aussiedoodles

Johnny 'Cash'
Cash came to us from a breeder in Kentucky and lived his first 8 weeks of life in their living room, so he did not get as much environmental or social exposure as we would like for an 8 week old puppy to have. Having said that, he is the biggest lover over all our Aussies so far! Anytime he has an opportunity, he puts his paws on my lap and just looks at me with his big eyes. He patiently waits for me to tell him he can come up to get his love. He has gorgeous sparkly blue eyes and amazing copper on his sweet little body; however, for some reason, adventure is not his thing.:)LOL If I'm out and about working on the farm, he patiently waits on the front porch or right around the corner watching for me to come back to the house. Some dogs are just homebodies, like me. He's slowly developing a more adventurous spirit, the more we take him out and expose him to this big beautiful amazing world, while providing him with safety, security and love..
Color: Black Tri with Blue Eyes
Height: 13" Weight: 20lbs
Registration: ASDR Mini Aussie
Neg. Carrier: None

Oliver was no bigger than my husbands hand when we first adopted him from a breeder in South Carolina. I saw his picture on-line and told my husband that all our Doxie's are getting old, we need a new generation. Well, to make a long story short, we drove 5 hrs to get not only Oliver, but also our Poodle boy Charlie from the same breeder. Oliver is fearless and loves to chase the neighbor's cows off our property when they break through the fences. He is absolutely infatuated with our Roxy and they are always together on their adventures around the farm.
Color: Black Tri Parti, Brown Eyes
Height: 8" Weight: 15lbs
Registration: AKC Miniature Dachshund
Neg. Carrier: None

Lando is our 150 lb. Anatolian Shepherd & Spanish Mastiff livestock Guardian Dog, he also deters strangers from trespassing! He is a gentle soul in an oversized body and he absolutely does not trust anything motorized, especially USPS, UPS and FedEx delivery trucks, in fact he tries to block their passage down our drive way. Many a delivery driver has been slightly traumatized by our Lando-Dog-Ridian (That's what our guys call him:).
Color: Grey and White with ticking, Brown Eyes
Height: 38" Weight: 150lbs
Registration: n/a
Neg. Carrier: n/a

Schnitzel is a Dachshund we raised in the family over 9 years ago. We raised him from birth. We now own his mom and sister as they were Julie's dad's babies. Her dad passed away in March, and they now live with us here on the farm: Angel and Blackie.
Color: Dapple Tan
Height: Weight:
Registration: n/a neutered
Neg. Carrier: n/a

Malachi is our daughter, Lizzy's, Siberian Husky. He's the most challenging of all the animals we have here on our farm. Pretty much all instinct and no brain cells, but he's definitely very beautiful and photogenic!
Color: Gray & White w/Blue Eyes
Height: Weight:
Registration: AKC but Neutered
Neg. Carrier: n/a
The Retired Pack Members

Po is a Grandbaby of Wyatt and a Great Grandbaby of Maybelle. His mother is Kona & his dad is Riley, they live with my best friend, Heidi Shinton (that's her in the header holding up that sweet Mini Aussiedoodle baby.) She owns Ruby Sky Kennel. Po, named after Kung Fu Panda's Po, has an extremely sweet, loving and fun personality. This last winter he grew a gorgeous thick coat. His personality is very laid back and his idea of fun is chasing the other Aussies around the pond, he'll stop mid-way and then switch directions in order to 'capture is comrades by surprise! He will soon become a daddy for the first time as Piper is expecting his babies in August.
Color: Black Tri, Blue Eyes
Height: 18" Weight: 36lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None

Wyatt - RETIRED Living Full Time on the Farm
Wyatt is Maybelle's son from her very first litter and he is a huge Goofy guy. His is considered a 'Mini' only because of his short legs, otherwise he is a very stout, solid and fluffy guy who lives to run around with a toy in his mouth, playing 'catch me if you can'. He loves to interact with his people and is dog family. He does have more of a super thick and fluffy 'show' coat, which requires regular grooming and trims. He is also a little tubby as he loves to eat. He is probably our most mellow aussie, as his favorite place to be is sleeping at our feet or hanging out on the front porch.
Color: Minimal Blue Merle w/ Blue & Marbled Eyes
Height: 18.5" Weight: 48lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: MDR1

Dixie - RETIRED to a Sofa in Tennessee
DIXIE is from Aussie Possie Kennels in Fresno, CA. She is a smaller standard AKC Aussie. Dixie can be a pretty protective mama both to her babies and to her humans; and although she is a fairly high drive girl, she will choose snuggling in moms lap any day or time, for as long as she can get! She has produced several litters of amazing and gorgeous family dogs. Dixie is a one person dog. She needed more of me than I could give her now that I was spread all over the farm all day. She was starting to feel insecure and was so delighted when a 19 year old gal and her mom decided that Dixie is their heart dog.
Color: Red Tri, 1 Hazel/1 Blue Eye (BET-Blue Eyed Tri)
Height: 18" Weight: 38lbs.
Registration: AKC, ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None


Rosie - RETIRED to a sofa in CA with her new best friend Charlie
Rosie is a crazy, driven goof ball that loves to play, play, play... and she never stops! She and Dolly are best buddies and chase each other around the farm hours on end. Rosie being the sweet playful girl that she is decided that having babies to take care of was tying her carefree life down too much. Most of our mama's have supernatural maternal instincts and Rosie just didn't have that in her. We are excited that she is being adopted with one of her puppies! That will really make Rosie happy and give the two of them built in playmates for life.
Color: Blue Merle, Brown Eyes
Height: 15" Weight: 30lbs.
Registration: ASDR
Neg. Carrier: None